GREETING 日本美容外科学会学会長就任のご挨拶
第105回日本美容外科学会 会長
城本クリニック 総院長
森上 和樹
GREETING The 105th Congress of the Japan Society of Aesthetic Surgery
Firstly, I would like to thank you for appointing me to the position of Chairperson of the 105th JSAS Meeting.
The 105th JSAS Congress is to be held on May 16 and 17, 2017. The venue is to be ANA Intercontinental Hotel, in Tokyo, the same as the 104th meeting.
Since the JSAS was founded, in 1948, it has come to cover a wide area of cosmetic medicine, and physicians from a wide range of disciplines have joined. In addition, the field has increasingly become interdisciplinary, covering cosmetic surgery, cosmetic dermatology, plastic surgery, cosmetic-related internal medicine, etc., and the number of physicians participating at the JSAS meetings has thus increased continuously.
One area is cosmetic medical devices. These are no longer restricted to dermatology, and constitute a field in which cosmetic surgeons also require knowledge. There are plans to display many of the most recent medical devices at the 105th JSAS.
Exhibitions and presentations are also to be made in the field of surgery, showing the improved results that have been achieved due to the use of improved materials, etc.
Participants at the 105th Congress will be able to listen to lectures and presentations about various surgical techniques and devices used by physicians active both in Japan and overseas, to obtain information and learn surgical techniques, and to make practical use of these in medical practice. We hope that the 105th Congress will therefore be attended and supported by numerous people, and will lead to greater reliability in the field of cosmetic medicine.
Also, it is worth noting that May in Japan is a beautiful and comfortable season. We therefore consider that the 105th Congress will be a great opportunity for people to widen their experience and understanding, and we hope that numerous people will apply to attend.
Kazuki Morigami
President of JSAS 2017
Managing director of Shiromoto Clinic
RECOMMEND こちらもおすすめ クリニック専売品を見る