PRESENTATION 城本クリニックの医師による発表内容
田中真輔 医師
修正症例を含む鼻の手術の検討Clinical case study of nasal operation (including re-operation cases)
A psychological complex of the nose are infinite variety.
The importance of nose shape is total balance.
If the partial of nose shape has been improved, the result is not always satisfied.
The recent trend is that patients from abroad increased, who hope the modification operation in particular.
The re-operations are very difficult because of unknown details of previous operations.Cases about nasal tip surgery, septa I extension its operation, etc. recently was considered.
特殊フィルターを持つバッグとb-FGF(b-Fibroblast Growth Factor)を使用した脂肪注入による豊胸術の検討 第2報Breast Augmentation Using Fat Grafting
第103回日本美容外科学会にて特殊フィルターを持つバッグ(puregraft cytori)とb-FGF (b-Fibroblast Growth Factor)を使用した脂肪注入による豊胸術で発表した。今回はその後の新たな症例も含め検討した。
At the 103rd Japan Society of Aesthetic Surgery, breast augmentation performed by fat grafting using bag with high performance filter(puregraft cytori) and b-FGF(b-fibroblast growth factor) was presented.
All cases including new cases were considered.
渡辺頼勝 医師
斜鼻変形に対する整容・機能改善を両立・最大限化する鼻中隔外鼻形成術アルゴリズムの検討Treatment algorithm for septorhinoplasty to optimize aesthetic and functional improvement of crooked nose
Treatment of the crooked nose has to be addressed conjointly with both aesthetic and functional (airway obstruction) improvement. Here we introduced our recent treatment algorithm for the crooked nose by aesthetic septorhinoplasty.
田中哲一郎 医師
当院で行っている切開式重瞼術 反転眼窩隔膜弁の利用Double eyelid incisional blepharoplasty in our clinic. Use of turnover orbital septal flap.
There are many patients who were performed several times of buried suture methods.
Some of them choose the incisional double eyelids plasty eventully.
In these cases, disappearance of the double-eyelid must be avoided.
Creation of stable and long lasting upper eyelid crease is our highest priority.
We approach to the orbital septum, from the eyebrow side of the skin incision line.
Incising between retro-orbicularis oculi fat layer (ROOF) and orbital septum, making turnover orbital septal flap long enough to reach the skin.
Closing incision line including septal flap, adjacent to the skin suture.
Optionally, removing skin, resecting orbital oculi muscles,orbital fat and ROOF removal have been added.
The levator aponeurosis is appropriately advanced and fixed to the tarsus.
大藪顕 医師
美容外科における麻酔 ~良い手術は良い麻酔から~Anaesthesia in Aesthetic Surgery -The Better Anaesthesia Practice, the Better Surgical Practice-
In the recent 15 years, improved surgical practices, equipments and materials are extensively discussed in aesthetic surgery techniques, and their progress is notable and remarkable. However, what about anesthesia that is necessary for surgery? There are many clinics which have not made much progress although there are better anesthetics, equipments and materials, and anesthesia practices.
Unfortunately, many current medical accidents in cosmetic surgery are related to the anesthesia. There may be many cases where accidents could be preventable if the appropriate preoperative management including evaluation and assessment and anesthesia method selection is done.
As a certified aesthetic surgeon and qualified anesthesiologist, also in consideration of patient satisfaction and improvement by the choice of more suitable anesthetic practice and surgical operation, I would like to review the anesthesia issues and future perspectives on the current aesthetic surgery.
中川剛 医師
長掌筋腱を用いた前頭筋吊り上げ術Frontal is suspension surgerry with palmaris long us tendon
Frontalis suspension with fascia lata or artificial materials including Goretex or synthetic suture as sling materials is a commonly used surgery that is indicated in patients with blepharoptosis and poor levator muscle function. The procedure with fascia lata has the disadvantages such as over correction caused by contracture of donor graft, post-operative complications in donor site, and difficulties in harvesting.
That with artificial materials has the disadvantages such as infection.
In 1980 Lam et al. and recently Sakai et al. in 2014 reported the procedure with palmaris longus tendon as sling material as a alternative of those procedures mentioned above.
We had some cases who underwent this procedure and they has been making satisfactory progress.
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